Make Your Own Magic! // Manifesting Board Blog Party // Guest Blogger Maria Pallas of MariaPallas.Com

Hey gorgeous #bossbabes!

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Maria! I’m an adventure seeking, bijou hoarding, nature loving, beach bumming, high-vibing spiritual healer and intuitive coach with a bit of a wild side! And I am absolutely 100% committed to helping women create a life that they love! And today, I’m here to share a little secret with you, so shhhh listen up!

The secret is that we are constantly creating!

Everything we see, feel and experience, we have created. Whether we like what we’ve created or not is a different story.

Our reality is a creation of subconscious beliefs and intentions. Unfortunately, more often than not, we end up creating what we don’t want. That stops now!

Today, my girl Bri and I are going to show you how to tap into the power to create exactly what it is that you want! And I mean, what you REALLY want. The career, the relationship, the image, the abundance. Anything you want is yours as long as you believe it, and as long as you are a vibrational match for it. That means that you have to see it and feel it clearly, using all your divine given senses. And most importantly, you have to feel as though you already have it.

So here we go!


Step One:

Download your manifesting board templates by clicking the links below!

Printable/Computer Background

Phone Wallpaper

Step Two:

Watch Bri’s fab video below to create your very own Manifesting Board. And girl...DO NOT HOLD BACK! This is where you get to capture the vision that you want to create for yourself, so make it extraordinary. The sky’s the limit here. This is where you get to be the kind of person that you’d love to meet.

Then once you’re done, save it and put that board anywhere you can see it. On your phone, on your screen saver, print it and post it on your bathroom mirror. Make the images literally haunt you wherever you go so that they are imprinted in your mind.



Step Three:

Click the link below right now to access my very own 5 Keys and Powerful Audio Affirmations to Help You Manifest Anything You Want. This is where you become an irresistible vibrational match for what it is that you’re trying to create. Do it now and hold a clear picture in your mind of things you’ve captured on your board while listening to the affirmations audio. Do this exercise every day and start to make shit happen!

5 Keys and Powerful Audio Affirmations to Help You Manifest Anything You Want

And the best part is that you're getting this all JUST IN TIME for the full moon on the 4th!

Good luck ladies! And keep us posted! Leave your comments below and let us know all the magic that you start to create for yourself. I can’t wait to see what you guys can accomplish with this! Feel free to take a pic or screenshot of your board and tag it with #makeyourownmagicboard for a chance to be featured here!

Happy Manifesting!!


Maria & Bri

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