Hey girl hey! How about a little #realtalk?

There's something that's really heavy on my heart & I'm feeling inspired to get real with you about today--

"busy work."


When it comes to working your biz ( or hell, this applies to your life too!) do you ever feel like you're just doing work just to say it's done?


Are you feeling "obligated" to show up and post something on Facebook or turn out another blog post JUST because you feel like you have to write something?


My guess is that we've all struggled with feeling this way at some point in time either in our biz, or just life in general!


Here's the thing-- how does that make you FEEL?


Do you feel like the BOSS in your own biz,  or more like just an employee?


do you feel inspired, passionate, & connected?


Does doing this type of "busy work" make you feel like you're effectively serving your biz or your tribe? Does it feel like it's helping or is it actually hurting you?


Does it drive you to a point of frustration and feel like another headache?!

Here comes a little tough love-- it's time to cut out the bullshit "busywork!"


Showing up just to show up isn't helping anyone-- especially you!


No one wants to see that post you threw together just to be able to say "there, I did it."

[Trust me, you may have all the right words and details-- but if your heart's not in it, it shows!]


And I'm guessing (since you're here) that you're probably a fellow #girlboss -- passionate & driven.  You're probably not the type to blend into the crowd-- you were made to stand out! You love to follow your heart, and have a little fun at the same time-- but you're feeling that frustration and overwhelm trying to find that balance when it comes to your biz! 


Let's be real, it's starting to feel a little more like work... and less like your dream job.

I'm here to tell ya #bossbabe, this is a dangerous place to be-- it's okay to pass through but don't you dare unpack your bags and plan to stay.

Your sanity & biz depend on you getting out of that funk! Your tribe NEEDS you to show up authentically, passionately! And THAT is when your biz grows and thrives!

So it's time to say enough already! Like-- for real.

If you really want to show up, connect &  serve your tribe effectively (and I'm guessing you do-- it's why you started this whole thing, right?!) it HAS to be from a place of alignment --it has to be authentic. it has to be REAL to be effective.


The energy & vibrations you put into your work will 100% reflect the energy, vibrations, & results you get back!


So do yourself (and your tribe, and the biz) a favor, and cut out the bullshit "busywork".

Show up with a heart to serve, transparency,  authenticity, and PASSION and THAT is what you will start attracting in return!


So I get it, you've been told that you HAVE to do these certain things...

But guess what-- that may not necessarily be accurate!

<<What works for Molly, may or may NOT work for Lucy, and so on.>>


So how the heck do you figure out what is or isn't busy work for you in your biz?


Take a little quiet time and write out a dump/ assessment of EVERYTHING you're doing! (Actually writing it out can be SO helpful! You may be doing things you don't even think about that could be killing your vibe & sucking your time! You may even be surprised at the amount of stuff you're doing when you see it all laid out in front of you!)

Then go through each thing on the list and ask yourself how each of the things FEEL for you!

Do they feel good, connected? Or are they frustrating and feel like an obligation? And--What results are you getting from those activities?

Based upon that assessment you can then prioritize and strategize what you are doing (and cut out what doesn't come from an inspired positive place)!

Either re-align the activity with your passion and heart or just STOP DOING IT!

Getting real about what's serving you & your tribe (and what isn't) will make the work you continue to do SO much more connected & effective! (And you'll feel SO much better, less frustrated and overwhelmed, and reap the benefits of being aligned, connected and effective in your biz!)

And a big HELL YES for being a true #girlboss by working smarter, not harder!


Take a little time this week to refocus and get back to your heart's desires. 

If there's one thing I know-- it's that when you work, share, & show up from that place of alignment and passion, you WILL get it back in return--ten fold!💕


Pop in the comments below and tell me what bs busy working you're going to drop starting now!

And if you've done the assessment but still are struggling contact me and we can connect for a quick mini strategy session! I'm happy to help you figure out what's working, and what's not! And creating a game plan going forward!

Your tribe (& your sanity & biz) are depending on you!💕

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